Our values flow from the central principle that every human life has value.

We believe that we are all formed in God’s image.


We believe in the transformative power of the Christian message.

We are courageous in what we say, what we do and what we hope for. Azalea encounters big issues on a daily basis, and so we speak out and take initiative - always with respect, challenging ideas and actions, not people. This involves risk, and a willingness to grow and improve by learning from our mistakes.


We believe that everyone is precious to God, all deserve to be heard and to be treated with respect and dignity.

We are committed to delivering quality services, and the highest level of care that we can. In order to be our best, we take care of ourselves, support each other, take responsibility for our actions and being professional.


We believe that God welcomes everyone and has no favourites.

We want to be welcoming and approachable in all that we do, respecting the different journeys that each of us has taken in life. We invite others in and treat everyone as an individual. We recognise and promote diversity.


As those we support come to see themselves as valued, they are empowered to change and take control of their lives. We aim to empower, releasing people to be themselves, to participate and to feel rewarded in their work. We encourage them to play an active role, we offer help and flexibility, and create an enabling work environment that brings the best out of everyone on the team.


Trust is important in all that we do, and we all take responsibility for Azalea’s reliability and credibility as an organisation. This requires personal integrity and consistency from the whole team. We keep our word, deliver on time, and take ownership of our mistakes.