At Azalea, we sought to understand love through the eyes of those we support. Their responses – "Love hurts," "Love is pain," and "Love is confusing" – offer a stark, yet honest reflection of their experiences. This Valentine's Day, we're inviting you to transform these narratives into stories of hope, healing, and empowerment.

Your Standing Order: A Commitment to Change Transitioning from a one-time donation to a standing order signifies more than just financial aid; it's a pledge to be part of an enduring journey of transformation. Your recurring contributions ensure:

  • A Safe Haven: Your support maintains a secure environment for those seeking refuge and recovery.

  • Essential Supplies: From food to vital goods, your donations keep our drop-in centre stocked with necessities.

  • Skills for a New Start: You empower individuals with training opportunities, like barista and cooking classes, paving the way for new career paths.

A regular donation of £5 a month (or multiples thereof) will give every guest caught in sex trafficking the time and space needed to journey from crisis to freedom. This benefit goes far beyond the delight of being given even the very best of beauty products.

Will you become a regular donor,

and redefine love for azalea’s guests?

Join the Movement: This Valentine's Day, let's redefine love as an action that nurtures, protects, and empowers. By setting up a standing order with Azalea, you become a beacon of steadfast love and support for those navigating the path to a new life.

Make your commitment today and help turn "Love hurts" into "Love heals." Your standing order is more than a donation; it's a lifeline.

Together, let's ensure that love is no longer about pain but about the profound difference we can make in each other's lives.

turn love hurts into love, heals, set up a standing order today.